Quest:Harsh Prospects

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Harsh Prospects
Level 48
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Raija
Starts at Karhu-leiri
Start Region Forochel
Map Ref [12.9N, 66.3W]
Quest Group Forochel
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Every day, the Susi-väki raid our stores and steal our food. How are we expected to survive without food?

'Another supply must be found, and I think I have it. We must have meat from the kantâ, or we will be forced to leave this place.

'You can find kantâ -- what I believe you call bears -- throughout Jä-rannit.'


The Lossoth-outposts were damaged in the last Gauradan-raid. With their stores dwindling, the Lossoth must turn to bears as a source of food.

Objective 1

Bears can be found throughout Jä-rannit. Once you have the meat, bring it to Raija in Karhu-leiri.

Raija has asked you to replenish their stores with bear-meat.

Raija: 'Our food-stores are so low! Bring me bear-meat as I asked.'

Raija: 'This meat will do wonderfully...I thank you.'